Volunteers and Students

an integral part

of the Centre

All volunteers/students/job placement participants/staff are subject to Garda vetting, reference checks and production of valid I.D.


Listowel Family Resource Centre recognises and acknowledges that volunteers are an integral part of the Centre and its work. It is only through this co-operative work approach between staff and volunteers that the Centre is able is deliver its wide variety of supports and activities. THANK YOU ALL.

Volunteering is the way to go for those of you who want to learn new skills, explore career options or to give something back to the world around you. You might think: “Why bother?” or “What’s in it for me?”  Maybe you reckon there’s nowhere in your area looking for volunteers. Think again!!!! We are……..


Benefits to Volunteering

What are the benefits of volunteering with Listowel FRC?

  • It is very fulfilling to support a worthy activity that helps others. You will be part of a welcoming, supportive and dynamic team
  • It is great craic and a personal learning experience98% of people who volunteers say its makes them a happier person
  • You will get experienceThis is helpful if you wish to get paid employment in social/childcare/community/family support areas. Also, prospective employers in other sectors like to see volunteering work on CVs
  • You get to make more friendsIt’s true!!! And the people you meet are normally like-minded
  • It will help to develop better social and interpersonal skillsSurveys of volunteers reported that volunteering helped them with skills such as understanding others, motivating people, dealing with difficult situations and better communication skills
  • You will often learn new skills and might even discover hidden talents

Volunteer Opportunities

Looking to volunteer? Then join our team of committed volunteers! We welcome both male and female volunteers and especially encourage male volunteers!

We have volunteer positions available in the following areas:

  • After Schools Programme
  • Crèche and Pre-School
  • Reception
  • Parent & Community Supports
  • Saturday Alzheimer’s Respite Service
  • Fundraising

Job Placements

Listowel Family Resource Centre support job placements under:

CE Childcare & Development Programme | TÚS | Rural Social Scheme

Community Employment Childcare Training & Development Programme

The aim of this Programme is to provide CE participants interested in pursing a career in childcare with training and qualifications in the childcare sector, quality experience and a clear career path.

Community Employment Childcare Training & Development Programme

The Rural Social Scheme provides income support for underemployed farmers and those engaged in fishing who have an entitlement to specified social welfare payments. Participants are engaged for 19½hours per week in work opportunities that benefit the community.

Listowel FRC provides opportunities in the following areas:

  • Caretaking
  • After Schools/Childcare

The Rural Social Scheme initiative is managed by the local development company North & East Kerry Development (NEKD) for the Department of Social Protection, which has overall responsibility for the scheme.


The Tús initiative is a community work placement scheme providing short-term working opportunities for unemployed people since 2011.The work opportunities are to benefit the community and are provided by community and voluntary organisations in both urban and rural areas.

Listowel FRC provides opportunities in the following areas:

  • Caretaking
  • Reception
  • Community Links Support Worker

The Tús initiative is managed by the local development company North & East Kerry Development (NEKD) for the Department of Social Protection, which has overall responsibility for the scheme.


Listowel Family Resource Centre strongly supports the provision of work placement for Students.

There is a continuous and positive relationship between the Centre and a number of third level and further education institutions e.g. I.T. Tralee, Limerick I.T. UCC, KDYS Youthreach, Listowel and Tralee Community Colleges, local secondary schools. Each student is given a supervisor or designated support worker and regular support sessions are organised.


Benefits to Students

Listowel FRC provides student placements mainly in the following areas

  • Community Development
  • Parent Supports
  • Children’s Centre
  • Reception
  • Alzheimer’s Respite Service

Students need to apply to Listowel FRC for a student placement well in advance of its expected start date and interviews may apply.