Suicide & Self Harm Prevention

raise awareness
and reduce stigma

What we Support?

This project supports Listowel Family Resource Center in promoting best practice in relation to suicide prevention and understanding self-harm. We strive towards utilising the strengths and resilience of communities to create awareness, educate, break down barriers, and offer solutions to the complex issues.

Prevention can be supported through training, guidance, building relationships, consolidating supports. It promotes a shared responsibility and a shared response to the action of suicide & self-harm and endeavours to raise awareness and reduce stigma .

We run them in partnership with National Office for Suicide Prevention and these courses are provided free of charge.


Safe Talk – Suicide Alertness for Everyone Awareness Training

SafeTALK ‘suicide alertness for everyone’ is a half day training programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. These specific skills are called suicide alertness and are taught with the expectation that the person learning them will use them to help reduce suicide risk in their communities. Participants learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide in only a few hours. SafeTALK Following a safeTALK workshop you will be more willing and able to perform an important helping role for persons with thoughts of suicide.

To read more about SafeTALK support, please click below

ASIST - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. It is suitable for all kinds of caregivers – health workers, teachers, community workers, Gardai, youth workers, volunteers, people responding to family, friends and co-workers. ASIST trains participants to reduce the immediate risk of suicide and increase the support for a person at risk. It helps them seek a shared understanding of reasons for suicide and reasons for living.

The workshop provides opportunities to learn what a person at risk may need from others in order to keep safe and get more help. It encourages honest, open and direct talk about suicide as part of preparing people to provide suicide first aid. Participants also consider how personal attitudes and experiences might affect their helping role with a person at risk.

To read more about ASIST support, please click below

Understanding Self Harm Awareness Training Programme

The workshop provides opportunities to improved knowledge, awareness and understanding of self-harming behaviour.

Participants consider how personal attitudes and experiences might affect their helping role with a person who self-harms. It aims to clarify what self-harm is, what leads people to engage in the behaviour and considers its relationship with suicide. The causes, reasons behind the behaviour, and the functions are discussed. Positive approaches to engaging with and caring for someone who self-harms are presented. Active participation is encouraged.