Suicide & Self Harm Prevention
raise awareness
and reduce stigma
and reduce stigma
What we Support?
Prevention can be supported through training, guidance, building relationships, consolidating supports. It promotes a shared responsibility and a shared response to the action of suicide & self-harm and endeavours to raise awareness and reduce stigma .
We run them in partnership with National Office for Suicide Prevention and these courses are provided free of charge.
Safe Talk – Suicide Alertness for Everyone Awareness Training
To read more about SafeTALK support, please click below
To read more about ASIST support, please click below
Understanding Self Harm Awareness Training Programme
Participants consider how personal attitudes and experiences might affect their helping role with a person who self-harms. It aims to clarify what self-harm is, what leads people to engage in the behaviour and considers its relationship with suicide. The causes, reasons behind the behaviour, and the functions are discussed. Positive approaches to engaging with and caring for someone who self-harms are presented. Active participation is encouraged.