North Kerry Alzheimer’s
Welcoming and enjoyable settings
for suffers of Alzheimer’s
There are only four kinds of people in the world those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who need caregivers.
Rosalynn Carter
There are only four kinds of people in the world those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who need caregivers.
Please Note; This Alzheimer’s Service has now moved to a wonderful purpose built facility managed by Ard Cúram. We wish them the best success and we enjoyed working with them to achieve this facility.
Further details on the service are available from Ard Curam. Greenville, Listowel, Co, Kerry. Eircode; V31 X625. Contact details; (068 22986). Website; Facebook page; Email;
Key Staff Names; Nurse Manager; Louise Hartnett. Nurse; Mairead Colbert.
This service aims to:
- Provide a welcoming, safe, supportive and enjoyable setting for people suffering from Alzheimer’s or a related dementia
- Allow the person interact with others who share similar experiences
- Provide activities for the person which matches their ability and need; this assists in enhancing mental and physical well-being within reason
- Provide the carer with respite time to care for themselves, spend time with other family members and friends, run errands, shopping or just relax in the knowledge their loved one is safe and secure

Activities we provide
The Alzheimer’s Liaison Nurse if fully trained in the Sonas Programme.
“The Sonas Programme is a therapeutic communication activity primarily for older people, which focuses on sensory stimulation in the belief that the senses are the gateways to communication” – St. Mary Treadgold, devisor of the Sonas Programme
The Sonas Programme’s emphasis is on ability rather than disability and involves cognitive, sensory and social stimulation. It also focuses on fostering confidence and familiarity.
A dedicated team of care assistants and volunteers assist the Nurse on duty. We work with each client to ensure they feel comfortable and supported and their individual needs are met as far as possible.
A hot nutritious meal is provided each day including dessert. All allergens and dietary requirements are catered for. Menus are designed based on high nutritional value, easy of digest and variety of tastes.
Listowel Family Resource Centre, in conjunction with Kerry Community Transport, provides a Bus service transporting clients to and from the Centre (a route is in place). The Bus is wheelchair assessable and a trained Passenger Assistant accompanies the Bus Driver at all times.
The fee for attending the Alzheimer’s Respite Day-care is €10.00 per day. Additional donations are very welcome. This is heavily subsidised by a dedicated team of volunteers who are continuously fundraising all year around to cover the costs of running this expensive service.
Referral to Alzheimer’s Respite Day-care: A referral form is completed by the carer and G.P./Public Health Nurse. The Alzheimer’s Liaison Nurse will then assess the person for their suitability to our Service. Referral Forms can be obtained from Listowel Family Resource Centre and Public Health Nurse.